Publications - Books and Book Chapters

Books and Monographs (Authored / Edited)
  1. Land Acquisition in Asia - Towards a Sustainable Policy Framework (2019, April) Palgrave Macmillan (Editor, with Naoyuki Yoshino).
  2. Labor Income Share in Asia: Measurement, Drivers and Policy (2019, forthcoming) Springer - ADBI Series, Springer (Editor, with Gary Fields).
  3. Labor Income Share: Understanding the Global Decline (2019, forthcoming) Palgrave Macmillan (Author).
  4. Kuznets Beyond Kuznets: Structural Transformation and Income Distribution in the Era of Globalization in Asia (2018) Asian Development Bank Institute Press (Editor).
  5. Conflict, Food Security and Crop Diversification Strategies: Evidence from Cote d’Ivoire (2015) V. R. F. Series, Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO.
  6. Beyond the Myth: Policy Issues Concerning the Informal Sector (2013) Scholar’s Press.

Book chapters
  1. "Labor’s Changing Income Share and Beyond” In: Gary Fields, Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Labor Income Share in Asia: Measurement, Drivers and Policy (with Gary Fields)  
  2. “Correlates of Labor Income share” In: Gary Fields, Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Labor Income Share in Asia: Measurement, Drivers and Policy (with Ken Suzuki and Yoko Oishi) 
  3. “Interdisciplinary approach to long-term welfare effects of displacement” In: Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Land Acquisition in Asia - Towards a sustainable Policy Framework (with Christie Lam).
  4. “Special Economic Zones and Livelihood Changes: Evidence from India” In: Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Land Acquisition in Asia - Towards a sustainable Policy Framework (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma)
  5. “Attitudes towards displacement in West Bengal, India: To move (again) or not?” In: Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Land Acquisition in Asia - Towards a sustainable Policy Framework (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma).
  6. “Land Trust to facilitate development through Land Transfer” In: Naoyuki Yoshino and Saumik Paul edited, Land Acquisition in Asia - Towards a sustainable Policy Framework (with Naoyuki Yoshino, Vengadeshvaran Sarma and Saloni Lakhia).
  7. "A Framework to Study the Role of Structural Transformation in Productivity Growth and Regional Convergence” (2018) In: Saumik Paul edited, Kuznets Beyond Kuznets: Structural Transformation and Income Distribution in the Era of Globalization in Asia (with Kyoji Fukao).
  8. "Structural Transformation, Growth, and Inequality: Evidence from Viet Nam” (2018) In: Saumik Paul edited, Kuznets Beyond Kuznets: Structural Transformation and Income Distribution in the Era of Globalization in Asia (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma).
  9. "Trade Liberalization, Productivity Growth, and Structural Transformation: A Synthetic Control Approach” (2018) In: Saumik Paul edited, Kuznets Beyond Kuznets: Structural Transformation and Income Distribution in the Era of Globalization in Asia (with Cesar Blanco and Rasyad Parinduri
  10. “Globalization and Public Health in Asia” (2010) In: Roger Deetles, Sheena Sullivan and Tan Chorh Chuan, ed., The Public Health in Asia UC Berkeley (with E.A. Jahncke, R. Rajan and A. Seow). 
  11. "A Prototype Index of Municipal Performance” (2010) Local Self - Governance in Rural Russia Study of the Decentralization Reform , the World Bank (with Maria L. Amelina).
  12. “Communities where Poor People Prosper” (2009) Moving out of Poverty: the Promise of Empowerment and Democracy in India Palgrave Macmillan and World Bank (with D. Narayan and P. Pettesh).
  13. “Caste Dynamics and Mobility in Uttar Pradesh” (2009) Moving out of Poverty: the Promise of Empowerment and Democracy in India  Palgrave Macmillan and World Bank (with D. Narayan, S. Kapoor and N. Badgaiyan).
  14. “Running the Numbers on Rogue States: A Comparative Perspective?”(2007) The Worst of the Worst: Rogue and Repressive States in World Order , Brookings Press (with Yi Feng).